Friday 20 February 2015

Eastenders Big Reveal! Who Killed Lucy? Part 1

NPop Online is back! There has just been too much that I have wanted to write about and haven't gotten around to doing because of other priorities (uni work, sigh). From the Amber Rose and Khloe Kardashian twitter dispute to Eastenders Live Week, it's all been going on! So let's get to it!

To recap, this week has been Eastenders Live Week (or part live, shall I say) with the build up which led to the reveal on Lucy's killer this past Thursday. Ten whole months of storyline, all built up to this very moment when we finally...FINALLY discovered Lucy Beale's killer.

I have to admit, I was anticipating this moment. I thought I didn't care much for finding out Lucy's killer since the story dragged on for too long on a character who I thought was irrelevant, annoying and unnecessarily overdramatic. However, as the days passed I found myself eager to know the culprit behind this whodunnit and just how Lucy died in the first place.

Clearly I wasn't the only one keen on finding out, since #EELive, Eastenders and other related hashtags have been consistently trending in the United Kingdom since last week from fans and I highly suspect non fans of the soap. Even I, who has not watched the soap in quite a while had my eyes glued to my screen in anticipation.


So, Lauren was acting on edge because she believed she knew who had killed Lucy. This led to her break up from Peter Beale (which had me thinking that he was the killer for a while). Stacey informed Max that Lauren believed she knew who killed Lucy which ultimately led to a confrontation with Max's daughter Abby, over whether or not she killed Lucy. Before Eastenders Live even began I thought it was Abby who killed Lucy so from this early confrontation it was clear that it most probably wouldn't be her.
In this live confrontation, there was a confusion amongst viewers, expressed on twitter over whether or not Max Branning said 'who' or 'you' in his final line before the closing of the first episode, 'She knows you killed Lucy'. Since this was the very first live episode and the killer wasn't meant to be revealed until Thursday, many thought that the actor had fluffed up his lines. However, the actor himself confirmed what was meant to be said.

This brings us to the return of Tanya Branning (Peggy Mitchell returned too btw) otherwise known as Jo Joyner and probably the funniest moment of Eastenders Live. In her first live scene of the week with her pal Jane Beale, she made a minor error, asking Jane how Adam was instead of Ian, the character's real name. Whoops.

Jo Joyner's response?

Adam Woodyatt's response?

Jake Wood's response?

Total bants, love it.

Okay, so early on in the Eastenders Live episodes, Lauren Branning sent a card over to Jane's, with a message that she knew that Lucy was killed at home. Jane got a hold of this card which sent her into a little bit of an emotional wreck. Lauren was confronted by Peter Beale at an abortion clinic after finding out she was pregnant, where Peter was adamant in knowing why she broke up with him and what she was hiding. Jane and Ian married, but not before the uncertainty of whether or not Jane and Ian would actually marry, seeing as doubt was written all over Jane's face whilst they exchanged vowels. This naturally led me in to believing that Ian was the one that killed Lucy (Eastenders clearly playing mind games with me). Ultimately, Peter ended up confronting Ian and Jane at their house and made an accusation about one of them being the killer since Lauren had told him that Lucy was killed in their house (I'm skipping past a lot of things here I know).

Anyway, skimming all the way through to the ending of the last episode before the flashback because this is already getting too long, it seemed that Jane was revealed as Lucy's killer which right off the bat didn't seem right to me. Jane? Killing a girl who she pretty much raised as her own? Not only that, but she's definitely not the type of person to kill someone and then hide it from everyone, allowing the people around her to take the blame.

Click here for Eastenders Big Reveal! Who Killed Lucy? Part 2!

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