Tuesday 20 October 2015

1st World Problems - Taking Things for Granted

Have a read of the previous '1st World Problems' series here! http://natalyaon.blogspot.com/2015/10/1st-world-problems-procrastinating.html

In this day and age, with our basic needs fulfilled and the technology that surrounds us, it can be beyond easy to take things for granted. After all, most of us will have a roof over our heads, warmth when we desire it, food on the table, an education, a phone, a laptop and so on.

Often, I will not even notice how much I appreciate the thing I have until that thing has been taken away from me. Here are a short list of things I believe I have taken for granted.


This is probably the thing I have most taken for granted. We only live one life. We are not able to go back in time and change the things we most regret, or relive certain moments. We are not able to go back in time and do the things we could only do when we were younger. However, I often slip into a pattern of wasting my days because it's easier than challenging myself. In the process I miss out on opportunities, I miss out on meeting new people, making new friends and further developing myself as a person. I value sleep so much that I can sometimes sleep way longer than I should and since the early bird catches the worm, I miss out on that worm every morning.

A Clean House

It's one of those things I hadn't even noticed until I moved out of the house for university. Suddenly there's no Mother who automatically cleans the house every week and after a while of either living on your own, or with other students you begin to notice the difference. Plates and pots pile up in the sink, crumbles of food make a home on the floor, spilt milk lays on the counter tops and the rubbish in the bins pile up faster than I could have ever anticipated. It makes me appreciate a clean house, which I didn't before.


Having a debit card will be the death of me! Especially a debit card you can just tap on the card machine and pay without having to go through the hassle of typing in a pin number. However, it makes it harder to track the amount that you're spending a week which is desperately what I need. Living at home saved you a tonne of money, more than you can even imagine because food alone can take a huge chunk of your wages or loan. Then there's travel expenses which can add up after repeated use, essentials and privileges such as clothes and those expensive pair of headphones you've wanted for so long.

A Plug to Charge Your Phone

It sucks when you're on a train or at work, school, college, wherever, and you're phone battery is on dangerously low. In come the regrets about not charging my phone before I left and not bringing my plug in so I can find a plug socket to insert my plug in and charge my phone. I mean, not that anyone particularly important calls me or anything, but WHAT IF?


Since the days of dial up internet has passed us by (and an extremely, snail like slow connection), browsing the internet has been a breeze (on the majority of occasions, depending on the wifi or connection). I use the internet so much that it has become a routine of mine to check social media first thing in the morning and to browse through the internet throughout the day. So when the internet randomly shuts down due some sort of problem with the connection I feel lost. On the positive side, it kind of forces you to be productive. Time to finally clean the house!

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