Friday 9 October 2015

1st World Problems - Procrastinating

One of my biggest problems that I struggle with on a daily basis is the fact that I am a procrastinator. It's my sin, my nemesis, my name it. I procrastinate without even realising I'm doing it, only being in my 2nd year of university it's something that I am going to have to work on. It will never completely go away. All I can do is try and keep my procrastination at a minimum.

The best ways of finding a cure is figuring out what causes me to procrastinate. Thinking about it, there are so many ways in which I do this that does nothing but waste my time. 

I've compiled a list of the number of ways in which I procrastinate, preventing me from getting little to anything done at all.


Definitely my biggest cause of procrastination. I can get lost in my mind for hours and before I know it I'm too tired to get anything done.

Browsing through Facebook/Twitter

By default I'm on Facebook or Twitter browsing through the feeds. I end up clicking on one article that interests me and then another, also playing one to many games of Bejewelled Blitz. 10-20 minutes of my time is regularly wasted on either social media each time I check in.

Listening to Music

This is another thing I could easily waste hours doing and it goes side by side with daydreaming. When I listen to music I often end up daydreaming about random stuff. I could easily spend a whole day doing this.

Watching Youtube Videos

Sometimes I watch a funny/entertaining video before getting down to doing actual work. The work before the play. However, it often doesn't pan out that way because by the time I decide to do work I'm just not in that frame of mind. Also, it's beyond easy to intend on watching one video, before 1 video becomes 7 and it's also weird how much you can stray from the original video you were watching.


Sometimes I am just too tired to do any work and if I'm at home, especially if I am in my bed then the easiest and most desirable option is to sleep. Sleep >>Work.

What are some of the other ways that you procrastinate? Let me know!! Follow if you enjoyed reading for more content :D

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