Thursday 5 March 2015

Man spends 40k to look like Katie Price! Thoughts!

Nathan Thursfield, 20
Okay! So the first thing I heard about this was when this story broke out on twitter. Basically, the young man pictured above appeared on 'This Morning' the other day, to talk about the procedures he has undergone to look like his idol Katie Price.

We have already seen similar stories like this one told on This Morning, such as the woman who spent 20k to look like Kim Kardashian and a man who spent 100k to look like Kim K also.

Claire Leeson who is 24 spent
20k to look like Kim K
Admittedly, it is difficult for me to understand the thought process that goes through these individuals heads when they make the decision to go under the knife to look like someone they worship or admire. I can perhaps understand the concept behind it, since the person you look up to tends to be the person you want to emulate, whether it be their personality, morals or the clothes they wear. Cosmetic surgery? That's a whole different story.

A 23 yr old Jordan James Parke
spent 100k to look like Kim K
However, 20 year old Nathan Thursfield has had two nose jobs, botox, fillers, fake tans and such, with plans to have veneers put in to look like The Pricey, using loans and credit cards to fund these procedures.

From what I watched of his interview on This Morning, the Katie Price fan was not happy with his looks and even now is not completely happy. When asked by Amanda Holden if he thinks he will ever stop, his reply was "Probably Not."

If this is really something that has made him feel more confident in himself and if he thinks the money he has spent on his surgery is worth it, then who am I to say anything. I am a believer in doing what makes you happy, since there are some things that you just can't live with, no matter how hard you try. However, the amount he has spent in total is a complete overkill! Particularly as he is apparently 20 thousand pounds in debt which is unnecessary in my humble opinion. He does look good though! He is clearly an attractive man and needs to stop before he goes beyond the point of return. Don't ruin those good looks is all I'll say ;).

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